Mama Africa! ||✍️A poem by Kobby The Motivator.

Oh, mama Africa! who has bewitched you?
A continent where everything needed to make A country great is in ascendency,
Yet, its people keep wallowing in poverty and perplexity.
Africa is great! Yes, Africa is great,
But its leaders do not acknowledge this fact, I Hope we can all relate.
A continent where if you're honest,
The system can manipulate you to become dishonest.

Oh, mama Africa! Who has bewitched you?
A continent where fighting corruption is more Dangerous than holding the tail of a python,
Because its politicians do not want it to be Fought, they'll come after you like a marathon.
A continent where corruption is spoken against in forums,
But it is accepted in our bedrooms.
Sometimes, I fear for the lives of those who Have decided to fight corruption in Africa, Because to fight corruption in Africa, you have to be resolute,
Else, you'll become late.

Oh, mama Africa! who has bewitched you?
A continent where politicians suddenly become hostile to truth when they're in power, And friend to truth when they're in opposition.
The African continent has gradually become a land where we praise thieves,
And demonize saints.

Oh, mama Africa! who has bewitched you?
A continent where virtue is vice and vice is virtue.
We have changed our Creed,
Our Creed is now greed.
Corruption in Africa has become an economic malady,
While its leadership do not fancy frugality.
These are, but, the two main problems in Africa,
But the latter is a canker.

......... ✍️Kobby The Motivator


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